Bathroom Mold
To gain access to treat the largest areas of mold growth in the home, we needed to remove water-damaged ceiling sheetrock in a bathroom.

Water Damaged and Covered in Mold
Sure enough, this home had extensive mold growth in the bathroom behind the water-damaged sheetrock and in the family room behind the paneling.

Family room in Neptune has severe mold growth
To treat the mold, we applied our EPA-registered anti-microbial called MAPS 1. Next, we used our mold stain remover and scrubbed away all the mold growth throughout the areas.

Eliminating the Mold
Afterward, we applied our patented sealant called MAPS 2. MAPS 2 is a moisture-sensitive application that encapsulates the surface mold is growing on and renders it harmless, inert, and non-allergenic.