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Summer is the Only Time You Need to Worry About Mold, Right? Wrong! 

Summer is the Only Time You Need to Worry About Mold, Right? Wrong!  - Image 1

The old adage goes “April showers bring May Flowers” and while the showers that come down during the spring certainly do a lot to help the flowers (and mold) grow, that does not mean that spring is the only time of year when we have excess moisture. Winter storms can bring excess moisture as well. All that snow can create havoc when it melts. February is typically the snowiest month in New Jersey so we need to think about mold now.

The four things mold needs in order to grow are moisture, oxygen, food, and a suitable temperature. The temperature outside, in New Jersey, in February is not conducive to mold growth. Even if mold could grow in February temperatures, the mold that exists in the soil and trees outside is not a concern. But we do need to worry about mold growth inside our homes. Mold growing inside our homes can cause adverse health effects and property damage. Because our homes often stay a similar temperature throughout the year it is possible for mold to grow inside in February.

One area of the home where the heavy snowfall of February can create a mold problem is the attic. Heavy snow can do serious damage to your roof, especially if there were already weak spots. Snow can help transform these weak spots into actual roof leaks. New roof leaks allow moisture to penetrate into your house where there had not been moisture in the past. Although ideal mold growing conditions include warm temperature, mold can grow in temperatures as low as 40°F. Many attics are 40°F or warmer.

One reason attics are particularly susceptible to mold problems is there is a lot of building material in attics that make a great growing medium for mold. Some of these materials include fiberglass insulation, wood framing, and in some situations drywall and carpeting. These materials are a breeding ground for mold once moisture is introduced. Unfortunately, once mold forms, it can spread quickly.

You may have an attic that is seldom used, so you assume that mold there, although unpleasant, is not really a concern, however you would be incorrect. Mold spores are microscopic and can travel on air currents. Mold that starts in the attic can spread to other areas of your home and denigrate air quality. This denigrated air can trigger health and respiratory issues for your family. Mold can also cause structural issues, so more than just being unpleasant, mold can be dangerous.

If you see roof issues after a winter storm it is a good idea to have someone check your attic for mold. Taking care of a mold issue quickly is good for both your health and your wallet. Most general liability and property insurance policies do not cover mold damage. It is in your best interest to take care of the problem before it gets a chance to spread. An added bonus is if you give us a call, we will be able to remove mold without removing building materials if the mold is caught early enough. If you have concerns about mold, get it checked out. Your family and your wallet will thank you.

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Mold Solutions by Cowleys
1145 NJ-33
Suite #1
Farmingdale, NJ 07727

Mold Solutions by Cowleys
3490 US-1 Suite 107
Princeton, NJ 08540
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