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Have Your Allergies Been Particularly Bad This Season?

Have Your Allergies Been Particularly Bad This Season? - Image 1

This has been a particularly bad seasonal allergy season. According to CBS News’ Health Watch, this past winter was one of the warmest on record for the continental United States. The reduced number of below freezing days means plants were able to bloom earlier, and therefore have a longer growing season. Have your allergies been particularly bad this season? If so here are a few tips to help alleviate your symptoms.

First, although it may seem like breathing fresh air will help your seasonal allergies, the air outside is filled with pollen and other allergens. It is actually suggested that you keep your windows closed and use your air conditioning, especially when the pollen count is high. If your HVAC system has a HEPA filter this will increase the effectiveness of using your air conditioner to reduce your seasonal allergy symptoms.  

Another important step to reduce seasonal allergies in your home is to clean frequently. Pollen is brought into our homes in a variety of ways. When you come in the door, take off your shoes to help reduce the chance of spreading pollen from the bottom of your shoes throughout your home. Remember that it is important to vacuum frequently and dust with a damp cloth on all surfaces that can withstand moisture. Pollen is known to stick to hair. Wearing a hat, taking a shower prior to bed, and washing your bedding in hot water weekly should also decrease your exposure to pollen.

If it is financially feasible, removing carpeting from your home can be extremely helpful. Pollen and other allergens are able to lodge themselves deep in carpet fibers. Even with regular vacuuming, pollen can be difficult to remove. It is much easier to fully clean pollen from hard surfaces such as wood, laminate, and tile flooring.

If your seasonal allergies continue, it is always advised to contact a health care provider. Allergists are able to test to see what specific pollen is giving you problems and can help prescribe more precise medications to give you relief.

So what happens when you are keeping the windows closed, removing your shoes, and cleaning all the time, and you still don’t get the relief you want? It is time to consider the idea that maybe you are not having an allergic reaction to pollen but instead are having a reaction to mold. Unlike seasonal allergies, mold has no season. It can make you miserable year round. 
If you are having these symptoms year round an important next step is contacting a mold specialist, like Mold Solutions by Cowleys!

Our trained mold specialists will be able to perform three key tasks. First, we will be able to determine if there is mold in your home. Second, we will be able to remove the mold quickly and efficiently. Lastly, we will be able to determine the factors that allowed the mold to grow in the first place.

Having the knowledge of how the mold was able to flourish will allow you to make the changes necessary to stop mold growth in the future. 

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Mold Solutions by Cowleys
1145 NJ-33
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Farmingdale, NJ 07727

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3490 US-1 Suite 107
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